There is so much on your plate!
Caring for your kids is already a full-time job. You want to make sure they’re happy, making friends, and doing some of the same “normal” things their friends are doing (but not ALL the things their friends are doing).
Then, there are the practical things: making sure they are ready for school (whether in the traditional sense or getting them ready to ZOOM), packing their lunch, and trying to remember what after-school activity is scheduled for that day. Your children need your full attention!
Then, there’s work. Maybe you go into the office, or perhaps you’re trying to work from home (which is another kind of issue!). Maybe your home IS your job! Managing meetings, deadlines, and your clients… it’s dizzying!
Also, get to the market, the dry cleaners, and the craft store to pick up the things your kids need for projects. Your boss, customers, and home need your full attention!
You also want to keep your relationships happy and fulfilling! You need your friends; you miss being able to hang out with them, going out for dinner or drinks. And then there’s your partner, that person you really want to be with (or find!). That relationship also needs your full attention!
Oh, but your aging parents need you, too! If they live nearby, you think about what you can do to make their lives easier. Do they need you to drive them to doctor appointments? Are they lonely and need your company? Are they getting sick or needing more everyday assistance? If they are far away, you have to deal with these same questions, but you can’t actually step in and do anything yourself. Your parents need your full attention!
Where does that leave you???
I know where that leaves you – torn in so many directions.
I know you need a place to find support and guidance to prioritize all these competing needs. You need a space to take care of your own physical and mental health.
Come and sit with me in my office, or meet me in my virtual office if you can’t get to me in person. Bring a cup of coffee. Take a deep breath.
Let’s identify ALL THE directions in which you are being torn.
Let’s talk about each of them.
Let’s strategize about what needs your attention first and what can wait.
Let’s make concrete plans so that you know exactly what to do next.
Let’s look at your busy calendar and find some time for YOU!
Take a breath…
You have so much to give. But you also have to give to yourself. Just as the airline flight attendant tells you, you must put on your air mask first so you can help the people around you.
Together, we will examine all the ways you are asked to give, and we will work to prioritize each of those needs. You want to be available to all of those important parts of your life. We will examine the pressure points in your life and develop new strategies to manage that stress.
While you are putting everyone else’s needs first… we will also find ways for you to put yourself first. We will have an open and honest conversation around your hopes and dreams and desires, and integrate those things into your life.
My job is to put you first.
To make sure that you are cared for, heard, and understood. That might be an unfamiliar feeling for a while, but I promise that when you feel like your needs are being met, you can better meet the needs of those around you.
Let me be your confidante and cheerleader.
Get started finding the balance in your life that you crave. Call me today and schedule your free 20-minute consultation: (424) 744-3774.